"Collect or make large and small resonant environments...
Find a way to make them sound..."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Digging up the Lucier score meant heading over to the music library. I grabbed an armful of other books while over there, confronted by ghosts of projects past. I'm excited to be diving back in, taking a pass at fulfilling unrealized potentials.

Here is my lexicon so far. There is still some refinement work to be done, and probably some more words to come.

Landscape - the sensible aspect of the relationship that links a society with space and nature.

Synaesthetic - a sensation experienced in a part of the body other than the part stimulated. 2 the subjective sensation of a sense other than the one being stimulated.

Meshwork - a multidirectional network of entangled trajectories forming a flexible but resilient structure.

Drift - to be carried slowly by a current of air or water. 2 to be blown into heaps by the wind.

Substrate - material serving as a staging platform upon which actions and construction are performed. 2 a layer of rock or soil beneath the surface of the ground. 3 material serving as a staging platform upon which actions and construction are performed.

Subsume – the act of including or absorbing in something else 2 to incorporate

Resonant – deep, clear, and ringing. 2 tending to prolong sounds 3 suggesting images, memories, or emotions.

Reverie – a daydream; fantastic, visionary, exultant or euphoric dream state.

Atmosphere – the gaseous envelope surrounding the earth. 2 a surrounding pervading mood, environment, or influence. 3 a distinctive quality, as of place; character. 4 any local gaseous environment or medium.

Immersion – the action of dipping or covering someone or something in a liquid. 2 deep involvement.

Incantation – actions performed as a magic spell or charm.

Celestial – relating to heaven, sky, or outer space.

Envelop – wrap up, cover, or surround completely.

Carve – cut into or shape a hard material to produce an object or design.

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